Few people enjoy lectures. These days, most learners expect to be engaged by materials. Live video is the perfect … [Read more...]
Leaders, ask yourselves: do you truly embrace change?
Many of us fear being labeled as Luddites, dinosaurs or technophobes. “Why yes, I’d like to be perceived as backward, … [Read more...]
How live streaming can promote engagement at your next event
Social media researchers are excited about live video as the future of the medium, as users in the United … [Read more...]
7 things about online meetings association executives need to know
Almost across the board, large companies use online meetings to bring teams together while cutting costs of travel and … [Read more...]
Designer Advice: 4 Tips for a Strong Presentation for your Next Meeting
You have nailed your speech in prep for your next meeting. But how does your visual presentation compare to your talking … [Read more...]